Monday, November 30, 2009

Immigration and City Life

For the next week we will be looking at both the huge wave of immigration in the early 1900's and how America's cities were transformed to accommodate all the urbanization taking place at that time.

For tonight's homework students are to read pages 620-624 and answer questions on the first worksheet in the new packet "Cities Grow and Change"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry about being a little behind on the blog...crazy Week!!!

Today I returned quizzes and gave the students their current averages for Social Studies 8. Assignments not turned in, or completed, may be turned in Monday after the Holiday. I proved each student with the assignments missed and a chance to make them up.

The Political Cartoon project is due on Wednesday when we return. This is an original full page political cartoon coloed or shaded. There is a video option as well and those are also due on Wednesday. Students received directions and suggestions in class on a sheet for them to keep.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. G.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Triangle Fire of 1911

Triangle Fire Links:
The Triangle Factory Fire
Audio Clips from National Public Radio
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Trial
Summary of the Events

Quiz Friday: Study the following...
Stick Figure Theater
Double Bubble Chart" Labor and Managemnet
Textbook 617-619

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Rise of Labor Unions!

Today in class we are continuing the discussion started yesterday on the origins of Labor Unions. Going further today we are looking at what a union provides and what they mean to their members. Using a "Double Bubble" compare and contrast chart we are examining the division between management and labor, and the similarities and difference between them in the workplace. Terms like "blue collar and white collar" are explained along with the way the workers are paid.

Homework: Re-read 617 "Dangerous Conditions"

Quiz Friday: Study Handouts and Readings from the week.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Child Labor Era... Part 2

As we continue our discussion on Child Labor we will be looking at a few more areas where children made up a large part of the work force around the turn of the 20th century. I will also be showing a music video montage I created with Pictures from Louis Hine's Gallery (See video above).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Child Labor Era

Today we discussed the issue of child labor in early industrial America. Putting together what we talked about with the "Really Rich Guys" we looked at one reason they became so rich. They treated their workers poorly, spent little on safety, and also hired children, some as young as 5! Showing some photos of children at work is where we left off.

Tonight's Homework: Read the 3 page story "Will Goes to Work" and answer the 10 questions that follow.

Tomorrow: Mr Gibbons' Child Labor Music Video and clips from the Child Labor Era

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

4 Really, Really Rich Guys!

Today we are discussing both the good and bad qualities of 4 of the most influential and wealthy Americans of the early 1900's They are Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, John Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan. Were the Captains of Industry or Robber Barons? Were they maybe a little bit of both.

Looking at the top 30 wealthiest Americans Website it stands out that almost all on the list lived over 100 years ago. We examined the tax system (or lack of income tax) as one reason for this finding. Thursday we will look at other possible reasons....Wages and Hours for the American Worker, The Rise of Child Labor and the lack of regulations for factory safety.

Interactive Link: The Wealthiest Americans Ever

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quiz Tomorrow

There will be a vocabulary quiz tomorrow in class. The topic is the Rise of Big business. It will also include some information from 18 sect 1 and 18 sect 2 worksheets that we reviewed and corrected in class. My advice would be to review the notes a few times before bed and then again in homeroom. Do the same with the worksheets. I may give a few minutes before class to review.

Can you tell me 1 example for a network that you can see? 1 you can't?
Why would a person buy stock instead of putting their money in a bank?
Who invented the telephone?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stock Market Madness!

Today we discussing the stock market. Specifically we are looking at its purpose (money for corporations and a way to invest your money). Starting the with the basic idea of corporations, investments and stock we looked at real world examples of why a company would need money "capital" and why a person would want to invest their money in the stock market as opposed to banks.

Guides to the Stock Market
User name:oncoma
Password: ocmsls
"Click under social studies, then economics to see the list of animations!"

Extra Credit Questions is still available.. see yesterday's blog Deadline is Thursday

Monday, November 2, 2009

"The Business of America is Business"

Today and tomorrow we'll be looking at essential vocabulary needed for our unit on the "Rise of American Big Business". We will use the 6 step vocabulary process to gather a common definition, show some examples and draw a sketch of the word in action. I need the students to read (or listen to in the interactive text) pages 614-616. New for today include Network, Consolidate, Rebate and Pool.

Homework: 18 Sect 2 Outline worksheet in Big Business Packet

Extra Credit- On a piece of paper tell me the name of the person who said the quote at the top of the blog "The Business of America is Business" Make sure your name is on the paper.